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Book Reviews

Circle of Three #8: The Five Paths (Circle of Three)
Book: Circle of Three #8: The Five Paths (Circle of Three)
Written by: Isobel Bird
Publisher: Avon
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

Best of the 15
Rating: 5 / 5
This is the best book in a great series.

Very realistic. Presents both sides of the argument. Doesn't make any false promises that magick will fix every problem in your life or make it go away with a snap of the fingers--but does show that through magick and faith, good things can be accomplished. The girls face very realistic hurdles due to their Wiccan involvement.

Re: the prior review--I don't think all the difficulties came about solely due to the necklace. Kate had hidden her Wiccan involvement from her parents until this issue made them ask questions. Annie's family already knew and didn't care, but she had not told her boyfriend yet, then chose to come out Wiccan in the school paper. All these experiences are quite realistic and young Wiccans may have to deal with one or all of them at some point.

The best in the series!!
Rating: 5 / 5
Definately the best book in the series. In this book, a ton of things happen. Kate finally reveals her involvement in Wicca to her parents, and the blow a fuse!! While she's telling this to her parents, Cooper's going through a rough spot too. She's suspended for coming to school wearing her necklace that has a pentacle on it. She takes the problem to the school board, but they tell her that she can't wear it. She gets a petition signed to get a revote, and with a little help from Sophia, she wins and is alloud to wear her pentacle. This book was definately the best in the series, and I've read them all. I would definately read this book! Not just this book, the whole series!!!!!!! They're the best!!!!!!!

Making a Mountain out of a Molehill
Rating: 3 / 5
The Five Paths in the Circle of Three series is the one that deals with the controversy that arises from one of the three heroines - Cooper - wearing a pentagram symbol of her Wiccan religion. However, this does not go down well with her environment at school, and eventually her determination to wear a symbol of her religion leds her into serious trouble. This is a very important book in the series dealing with free-will, religious rights and personal expression, and thankfully the author gives a good account of BOTH sides of the arguement. As much as Wiccans hate it, the pentagram is also a symbol used by Satanists and people will continue to identify the pentagram with them. However, this book helps teach the ignorant that the importance is not the symbol itself, but what it means to the person who is wearing it.
Unfortunatly the entire premise is based on the possibility that wearing a pentagram symbol will led to outrage, violence, court-cases, newspaper articles and un-founded prejudice. I won't deny that there is prejudice against all religions in the world, but I found it hard to believe that all the negative events that occured in the book were simply because one high-schooler wore a pentagram necklace.


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