Book ReviewsWorse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush |
Book: Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush
Written by: John W. Dean |
Publisher: Little, Brown
Average Customer Rating: 4.0 / 5
Understatement of the Century Rating:
5 / 5
I am giving this book 5 stars not only for the great title and great read but also purely for who the author is. John Dean is sort of the Karl Rove of his time. Every President needs an advisor and Nixon was no exception. John Dean is just one of MANY key figures in the Watergate scandal. Dean spoke up and either did the greatest job of covering his behind or he actually recognized that the American People and America itself were being victimized by Nixon and his Republican cronies. I tend to think he was just trying to cover his backside.
Nixon employed what he called *Plumbers*...guys who could fix leaks (rim shot). Call me crazy but I suspect we are seeing ALOT of Bush Plumbers all over the place. Fox Pravda Network could very well be called the Fox Plumber Network. Right Wing writers/Parrots such as Ann Coulter, Sean *Parrot* Hannity, Bill O Reilly, and Rush Limbagh are the most well known Bush Plumbers. James Dobson cover Bushes behind with his followers. All plumbers are VERY busy now a days having to explain/spin to their readers or followers why Bushes approval rating is at 35 percent. I also suspect we are just starting to see the tip of the iceberg with the Bush Regime.
I think the Bush Regime will either unravel slowly or at some point unravel with an explosion not seen since the Trinity detonation of the first atomic bomb. What will come out will make not only Nixon spin in his grave but also Joseph McCarthy...and that aint easy. You know youre running a sleazy operation when even Joseph McCarthy spins in his grave.
The information is out there folks. You can either choose to write it off as *Liberal hate media*, which is what the plumbers tell you to do. Or you can remember what this country was founded on. Who fought for this country. And who died for this country. Why do you think people fought for this country? Was it so someone like Rove, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rice, the Bush Family, and the Saudis could run rough shot all over it? Pillage and plunder the American People? Wage a war of fear so you stay in line and vote for them? Either way, make no mistake about it, if there is just a slight chance that this, ahem, President *cough, cough* is lying to us than you owe it to yourself to read this book.
This book isnt written by some *left wing nut job*. Its written by one of their own. A Republican who did the right thing, whatever his motives. I think we need more people like John Dean to come forward and speak out against the Bush Regime so we can get the Bush Nuremberg Trials underway.
WORSE Than An Ambulance-Chasing, Personal Injury Shyster!!!! Rating:
1 / 5
For all of Shyster-Dean's intimidating bravado in the "Stonewalling" chapter, he slips to "uncover" weakly insufficient cases where he accuses Bush/Cheney of secrecy. Shyster-Dean hypnotically rehashes the tarnish that has liberals going orgasmic, which is Bush's unfounded influence from father. Shyster-Dean SPECULATES concerning doubtful parallels between businessmen who helped or aligned themselves with GW and their personal ties to GHW. This, Shyster-Dean misuses so unconscientiously that he dissipates into liberal-recycled taints of Bush getting "insider information" while on Harken's board although board members aren't part of the corporate structure of the interior running; Shyster-Dean's brand's faulty: insider information ploys usually are to exit before the company goes bankrupt (didn't happen with Harken) or after embellishing the company's prospects. Shyster-Dean then caterwauls about Cheney's "secrecy" regarding health files before he dumbly, myopically undoes his contention by confessing Cheney has NO OBLIGATION to disclose!!!! Continuing with unraveling his damaged credibility, Shyster-Dean tarnishes Cheney for Halliburton's Iraq business, but COVERS-UP that a SUBSIDIARY was involved, which was LEGAL.
Dead On Accurate Rating:
5 / 5
John Dean wrote this book back in 2004 I read it originally in October.
His accounts as to what is really going on in the Bush White House is dead on accurate. Many of the things he spoke of are becoming more public.
An excellent read.