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Book Reviews

Just Like Martin
Book: Just Like Martin
Written by: Ossie Davis
Publisher: Puffin Books
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

just like martin by chris thompson
Rating: 5 / 5

The author is ossie Davis. The boy who is the main character is named stone. He is a African American who is trying to be non violent like Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. the story took place in the late 60's. it took place in the south. In the beginning of the story a boy named Stone he wants to go to a trip with his church class to Washington dc. He could not go because his dad Ike stone did not believe in nonviolence. Stone did not get to go to washing ton so he watched the march on Washington on television. After the march on Washington things did not get much better you should read Just Like martin and find out all that happens. I liked this book because it had real events and important people to the black culture

Just Like Martin
Rating: 5 / 5
Just Like Martin
By: Ossie Davis

What do you get when you take out the d, I, s, c, r, I, m, I, n and put in an H before the a? You get hate! Have you e ver been discriminated before? I think everyone has been in some way. African Americans have tried their best to stop it. They seldom did anything and they were just beaten to death from people like the K.K.K.'s. People like Martin Luther King Jr. who tried to stand up for what they had believed in. I learned in the book, a reverend of the local church has been organizing a peace march with server al other church organizations, and they had members from their church ridge private busses to Washington to march. They wanted the white people to know that there was no reason for them to be treated like this. One of the fathers in the story went to war with the reverend to defend The United States of America. They were at war with Korea. Since the war, the father has been very disturbed. He now carries a gun in his glove compartment of his pick-up truck. IN December when Dr. King held a service he had asked that the people in the service sing a "Negro Spiritual" ...
I though the book was great. It gave me a taste of what it was like to live back then if I were black. IT made me really think if I were black, would I want someone to do things like hang me, throw rocks at me, shoot high pressured water at me? I though for a while, why is different bad, but I sti9ll don't understand why because people of all different races, shapes, sizes are discriminated all the time. ...

Being Just Like Martin is Great
Rating: 4 / 5
Just Like Martin, I found at a bookstore when I was traveling in
Maryland. Not thinking I was down to my last few dollars I bought it. I was very disapointed until I started reading it. This book taught me to never give up and know I keep on reading it over and over. 2 big thumbs up!!!


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