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The Sheikh's Bride (Thorndike Large Print Harlequin Series)
Book: The Sheikh's Bride (Thorndike Large Print Harlequin Series)
Written by: Sophie Weston
Publisher: Thorndike Press
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

Very enjoyable.
Rating: 5 / 5
I love reading about the romance of the desert & its Sheikh's so much. Having been to Cairo myself, it has a magic all of its own, which this book bought back to me. They are one of my favorite types of books & this one is no different. A very enjoyable read.

Love Under the Desert Stars
Rating: 5 / 5
Leonora Groom and Sheikh Amer el-Barbary met in Cairo and they had one spectacular date under the stars. But the next day, Leonora was forced to leave Cairo, by the order of her dad. Amer went crazy for 6 months because he was unable to find her because at the time when he met her, she gave him another name, not Leonora Groom. He decided to teach her a lesson by writing an essay about their night together and about his experience of losing her and his plan on seducing her. But the plan backfired and caused her to be engaged to another man! Now they will figure out this whole mess and what they truly mean to each other. Is it a game or is it love ?

I liked Leonora because she drove Alik crazy and she didn't let him control her or defeat her. She was really feisty but towards the end, I didn't like her as much because she became a little bit too much. One thing I don't understand is that how Leonora could stand up to a Sheikh but she couldn't stand up to her father. Her father was over-bearing and he pushed Leonora around and she didn't even do anything about it. That got me so mad.

Together Leonora and Alik are very comical. Alik expects people to obey him but Leonora don't even care and does whatever she wants and doesn't play into his hands. Which was one of the reasons I loved her so much.

THE SHEIKH'S BRIDE is not your typical romance, where all the characters are beautiful and sophisicated. A delight and a good read!

^_^ ~ Izzy

The Best Sheikh Ever
Rating: 5 / 5
The sheikh is, of course, one of the great romantic heroes in literature. He is the fantasy hero who sweeps the heroine off her feet and takes her off to the Kasbah to live happily ever after. In our dreams. But most sheikh books are so far fetched as to make the fantasy seem impossible. Not this one.

Amer El Barbary is a sheikh after my own heart -- a sort of Spencer Tracy sheikh who can use his wit as well as his royal blood and billions of bucks to woe and win the heroine. He's a sheikh with a sense of his own power -- and thus he can be arrogant -- but it's never a condescending arrogance. He knows who he is -- a powerful, clever, intelligent, handsome man -- and in Leo, the heroine, he meets his match.

Sophie Weston, always a terrific writer, outdoes herself here. She brings Amer and Leo to life so vividly that I was enchanted from the start and I read the book cover to cover in one sitting. And when I was done, I wanted to go back and start all over again. I'm keeping this book as an oasis, to be dipped into for instant refreshment whenever the deserts of life get a little too gritty.


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