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Book Reviews

Catch Me and Kiss Me and Say It Again
Book: Catch Me and Kiss Me and Say It Again
Written by: Wendy Watson Clyde Watson
Publisher: Cliffs Notes
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

Timeless and warm poems and pictures
Rating: 5 / 5
I was given a copy of this book when my first daughter was born in 1984, and my wife and I read it to her and her little sister so many times that all 4 of us still recall the verses - with enormous fondness! The charming watercolor illustrations are as timeless as the poems - the first time you read it, you'll have a nostalgic feeling that you've seen the pictures and heard the poems when you were a child. Spoken aloud, the sing-song rhythm and alliterations captivate adults and children. Even now, when I have not seen the book in months, I can feel my baby clapping in my lap as I recall "clapcake clapcake, butter and milk, honey and ginger, whipped to silk. cornmeal, oatmeal, a penny pinch of flour, Clap me out a clapcake, and bake it for an hour."

When our youngest daughter moved away from home, this was one of only 3 baby books we kept. I just came to amazon hoping to buy a new copy for a friend and her new baby (I won't give my copy away!), and I'm astounded that it is out of print. This is a timeless gem. It needs to be published again.

One of the Best for Children
Rating: 5 / 5
My husband and I bought this book over 20 years ago. We have read it hundreds of times to our children and now would like to be able to purchase hardcovers for our grandchildren. We would really like to see this book reprinted!

Great Book, Why is it not being published.
Rating: 5 / 5
When I was about two or three, a friend gave us our original copy of "Catch Me and Kiss Me," We read it so many times that it fell apart and it was thrown away. Luckilly I was able to get a used copy not so long ago. This book has so many favorite poems that we still quote such as,

Phoebe in a Rosebush, Phoebe in a Tree.
There's Many a Phoebe in the World,
But You're the one For me.


Cockyolly Bumkin Merry Go Bet
Fell in the Duckpond and Got all Wet
A Nickle For a Nappy and a Penny For a Pen
To Dress My Little Cockyolly Bumkin in


Do the Baby Cake Walk
A One Step a Two Step
A Wobble and A Bobble in the Knee
With a Toe Heel Toe and A Giddy Go Round You Go
Won't You Do the Baby Cake Walk for Me.

Anyway I could go on and on, but this book is a treasure, and it is a sin that it is out of print. Any Publishers out there. PLEASE REPRINT "CATCH ME AND KISS ME AND SAY IT AGAIN."


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