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Book Reviews

The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing
Book: The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing
Written by: Jason Kelly
Publisher: Plume
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

Rating: 5 / 5
I agree with the other reviewers that this book is an outstanding essay for those who want to learn how to select stocks for a value portfolio. Where we differ is that for the typical investor he does not have the resources to build a properly diversified portfolio- either financial or mental resources. Value stocks do provide returns in excess of broad market returns but in order to have adequate diversification you must assemble several hundred issues well beyond the resources of the average investor. Further one must have the time and skill to evaluate several thousand issues.

I can offer a solution to this problem. I want to recommend for you a book titled How to Make Money in the Stock Market-Buy 2,500 different stocks for $1000 - Pay no Commission This book is a must for those wanting to find out about indexing (passive investing) and why it is the superior method for the small investor (and big one too). This book is an outstanding guide to personal investing. It will be useful to all investors from novices to highly the highly experienced. This book prepares the reader to approach investing from the standpoint of the underlying science. It is the antithesis of a 'get rich quick scheme'.

All aspects of Modern Portfolio Theory and passive (index) investing are explained in a through and easily understood manner. The aspect I like most is that as well as a solid theoretical foundation the book is very practical and shows the reader how to create (and more importantly) and manage over time a successful portfolio. This is a great book- for the beginning investor, it's a great place to start and for the experienced investor there are many valuable suggestions.

It's a shame to think of how much money investors have lost "investing" in the stock market over the years. I wish I had read this little book years ago. The chapter on automatic investing recommends a number of portfolios that follow modern portfolio theory and adjust risk as you age without any effort on the part of the reader at all. Had this book been written years ago and had I followed its directions I would be rich today of that I am certain. Nevertheless I will pursue one of the portfolios recommended and stick to my chosen asset plan.

Take the first half of the book and burn it
Rating: 3 / 5
Their is some good stuff in the 2nd half of the book. A bit all over the place but something for everyone. The 1st half though is too basic. Like what is a stock kind of stuff.

Absolutely Fascinating
Rating: 5 / 5
This book is an essential read for both those currently looking to get into the market, as well as those who are already rolling in the dough. I have never enjoyed reading a book as much as this one, and I can't believe how much knowledge I have gained on the stock market in just a few hours: one sitting, mind you.

The author takes the complex topic of the stock market and presents it in a way that makes sense. You learn all sorts of terms and strategies that will help you not only succeed, but do very well in your investments. The ideas in this book are always clearly presented and re-demonstrated at just the right time too. I always hate having to look back in pages of a book to find a term that the author hasn't mentioned in a while.

That's not the case in this book. The author was an absolute genius, and obviously knows how to communicate with people. If the term hasn't been mentioned in quite a while, you can be re-assured that you'll see that term again before moving on. After all, it's the stock market. Everything seems to build on itself.

The author also realizes that you can't learn everything from one source. He gives several listings to books on the gurus that made millions on the stock market, and throws some of their ideas into the mix of the book as well. He clearly states the differences between these men and their approach to the stock market, but also shows the common line between them. There is, however, a basis that all great investors share on good investing, and that becomes the core strategies that this book has to offer.

Who would have thought someone would have taken not only all the necessary tools to turn profits on the stock market, but the ideas and successes (and failures!!!) of the big dogs as well, and compiled it into the neatest little stock market guide? The brilliant Jason Kelly, that's who.

Congrats Mr. Kelly, job well done.


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