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Book Reviews

The Power: 11 Ways Women Gain Unhealthy Weight and How You Can Take Charge of Them
Book: The Power: 11 Ways Women Gain Unhealthy Weight and How You Can Take Charge of Them
Written by: Sue Ellin Browder
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

How to get the results you want!
Rating: 5 / 5
I purchased this book because a friend of mine suggested it. She thought that it went right along with the Body Talk and Essential Oil book that I had been using. I thank her every day that she had suggested it.
I found this book so fascinating that I couldn't put it down. So I finished it on the day that I received it. It makes so much sence of why it is that we put on weight. It helps you to analyze what has triggered the weight gain that you have. And gives examples of how we can overcome the triggers.
This book has been a real eye opener for me. It made me look at myself differently and how I can improve on myself.
There is alot of self analyzing that you have to do but it gives you the tools that you need to do it with.
I would heartily recommend this book for someone that wants to do serious weight loss for life.

How Stress Makes You Fat
Rating: 5 / 5
I'm telling everybody I know about this empowering book because it's helped me so much. It's the most refreshingly honest diet book I've ever read. All the studies the author writes about in the book are listed in the notes at the back so you can look them up for yourself and show them to your doctor if you want to. As we all know, it's impossible to take charge of your weight if you don't have all the facts. You begin clutching at straws. This book is called The Power because accurate information is power, and this is the FIRST REPORT telling women about all the new, cutting-edge research coming out of the biggest, most well-equipped fat labs. The most important surprise is how stress makes you fat. The big secret is a stress hormone called cortisol. Cortisol opens the unhealthy fat cell doors so the fat can go in. Cortisol can cause you to store more unhealthy fat even when you don't overeat! (That helps explain why I gained nearly 70 pounds when I really DON'T eat that much.) Scientists have now linked high cortisol levels to Depression Fat, Anger Fat, Binge-Eating Fat, Night-Eating Fat, Polycystic Ovary Fat, Lazy Thyroid Fat -- in all to 11 different ways you can gain unhealthy weight. Options. Making your own choices and finding your weight, your way. That's what The Power is all about. Buy this book. It will change your life. I've lost 60 pounds so far. Only 10 more to go!

Rating: 5 / 5
The author of this excellent book boils down all the latest research about weight. She then includes a bunch of quizzes so you can diagnose yourself, find out what fat type you have, and then figure out how to solve it. The author makes the point (and I agree with her) that most diet books disempower women by giving us ironclad "rules" to follow, even down to telling us precisely which foods to eat. Don't you just hate those little sheets of "the right foods" that doctors hand out. Women aren't stupid. We know the difference between a brownie and an apple. What we don't know is why we feel compelled to eat the brownie instead of the apple. This book tells us WHY WE GAINED WEIGHT and how we can use this information to get thin. A refreshingly honest book that's long overdue. I'm already becoming the scientist of my own body, I've lost 23 pounds in two and a half months -- and this time I'm keeping them off because I have THE POWER. My husband (my best cheerleader) tells me, "You go, Girl!" And I have!!!


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