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Book Reviews

Alan Mendelsohn, the Boy from Mars
Book: Alan Mendelsohn, the Boy from Mars
Written by: Daniel M. Pinkwater
Publisher: Bantam Books (Mm)
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

Klugarsh Mind Control for all of us!
Rating: 5 / 5
I was reminded of this most excellent book yesterday when I heard an interview with the author of *Mind Wide Open* on the radio. He apparently tested a bunch of "brain machines" to write about in his book, and one of them was a video game sort of thing, in which the player must learn to enter the alpha brain state at will in order to succeed at the game.

Of course genius Daniel Pinkwater had this idea years ago!! I kept thinking, "You just have to fall back laughing, saying 'I give up,' of course!" Readers of *Alan Mendelsohn* will have an early advantage if this game hits the big time.

As is the case for many other reviewers, this book was one of the most important of my adolescence, one of the few that I read and re-read. My brother and I would repeatedly crack up reminding each other of a certain unorthodox loudspeaker incident in it.

What I most admire about this book when I think back about it now is that it keeps moving forward into surprising territory---it has a satisfying revenge fantasy plot, a self-actualization plot, an adventure/alternate reality plot, and a refreshing sense of "larger mystery" throughout. As a young adult, it helps to be reminded that there are uncharted realms outside of school's hideousness!

The world needs more subversive children's authors...
Rating: 5 / 5
I am a Pinkwater fan from way back. So when I was bored, without any reading material at hand, I picked up this gem and read it. Pinkwater was still as great as I remembered, and I wish that I'd had this book in particular when I was in junior high. You see, I only now realize that I attended Bat Mastersom Jr High. Sure, it wasn't called that, but everything matched. Even from my current place in life, as a college sophmore, my junior high school experience is still a difficult question for me, and this book has helped me to put it into perspective. A must for any young person who is struggling with a world that won't accept them for their own strengths. We need more authors for catering to the intellegent youth, offering the message that even though your life seems so much harder than those who choose to remain ignorant, you can hold your head high, and you will be happier in the long run. Pinkwater deserves a spot next to Roald Dahl, Madeline L'Engel, Dr. Seuss, and the other greats of children's literature.

Rating: 5 / 5
I read this book and, was doomed to a wonderful life of reading Daniel Pinkwater Books. This book was and is my favorite book and I am sure it always will be. Alan mendehlson is a book that could only be written by the mind of a genius, tried and true. Daniel has changed my life and will continue to change our outlook on life for generations to come. I like to call myself a Pinkwater addict and I am proud of it. All you intellegent kids out there, get it while it's hot!!!!!


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