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Book Reviews

Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever
Book: Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever
Publisher: Laurel Leaf
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

Heart Graber
Rating: 5 / 5
This book Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever; is about a girl named Melissa and her struggle with getting leukemia again. Jory is Melissa's best friend and she throws a party at the beach for Melissa, because she was one of the finalists for a National Merit Scholarship. It is at this party that Jory finds out Melissa's Leukemia is back. The first time Melissa was able to have chemo therapy but this time Melissa has to have a bone marrow transplant and her brother is the bone marrow donor. For a long time Melissa is sick after receiving the bone marrow. To help pay for the medical bills Melissa's best friend Jory has a carnival and calls it Melissa Austin Day, all the money raised and donated on that day goes towards paying the medical bills. Also Jory is able to get her parents (who are rich) to get their friends to donate money to Melissa's family. Later the bone marrow ends up taking and then Melissa gets sick from meningitis.
I liked this book because it is sad and touching how Jory is such a good friend to help Melissa's family by raising money to help pay the medical bills. If I was ever sick I hope my friends would care enough to do the same for my family. It shows me how bad thing happen to good people even when they don't deserve to have this happen to them.
There is not anything that I did not like about this book. I found it a very fast reading book and hard to put down.
The author of this book, Lurlene McDaniel, is one of my favorite authors. I like her books because they are touching and have a lot to do with people with illnesses and real life issues.

great book!
Rating: 4 / 5
What a great book Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever is! It is the sequel to Too Young To Die. I recommend that you read Too Young To Die first, in order to understand better this one. This book is about two best friends, Jory and Melissa, and about Melissa fighting with leukemia. It is really a very sad story, it almost made my cry! I felt as if I knew Melissa myself and I was watching her suffering leukemia and the bone marrow transplant. I wish I had a friend like that, who would always be with me, no matter what! And I really liked the way Michael (Melissa's brother) and Jory's relationship ended being much better in the end.

Goodbye Doesn't Mean Forever
Rating: 5 / 5
Goodbye Doesn��t Mean Forever
By: Lurlene McDaniel
Reviewed by: J. Ku
Period: 1

This book is continued from the book Too Young to Die. In this book, Melissa has a relapse and needs to get back into remission. The doctors say, ��For a person to get into remission the second is harder.�� The doctors recommended that Melissa try a bone marrow transplant. Since they needed to find a compatible donor, they said that a sibling would be the best donor. So then took some bone marrow from Michael, and sure enough, their bone marrow was compatible. Not long after that, they put Melissa into isolation. They needed to get rid of all her bone marrow and put Michael��s bone marrow in her body. When people came to visit her, they had to be careful and not bring in any germs because her immune system couldn��t fight off germs. Her brother��s marrow was working fine, but then Melissa got a fever. It was either an infection or a sign or rejection for the transplant.

I like this book because it was exciting to learn about medical technology. I learned about things I never would have wanted to learn about. This book teaches friends not to give up on each other. Melissa always trusted Jory. Jory always did what she could to help Melissa. They depended on each other whenever they needed help. ��Melissa needs blood will you help me?�� They never gave up on each other, even when Melissa died, Jory always knew that Melissa would still be there to help her, even if she couldn��t help Melissa.

I dislike this book because this book I was very sad and Melissa died. When you read about people suffering makes you feel bad. I wanted to change the whole story and make it have a happy ending. I didn��t like it when the doctors gave Melissa bad news about her leukemia.

My favorite part of the book was when Jory held a carnival and called it Melissa Austin Day. I really liked that part because not only Jory was doing it for a good cause, everyone was having fun. They raised a lot of money, and a lot of people donated blood to Melissa. I think that it is wonderful to have a friend that does these things for you.


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