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Book Reviews

Full Gallop (Pine Hollow)
Book: Full Gallop (Pine Hollow)
Publisher: Bantam Books for Young Readers
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

Ooooh !!!!!
Rating: 5 / 5
This was a tear jerker i have read the saddle club since for about10years and almost think of the characters and pine hollow as being real so i was just as stunned as the characters when well u ll have to read it Please write more I wanna know what happens next where do the characters and the saved horses go from there do they start from scratch or go somewhere else please pleeeeeaaaaassssssssseeeeeee write more !!!!!!! The pine hollows books have been a very nice change of pace from the childish saddle club books they were just getting good and now this tragedy I'm still in shock!!

Soooooo Sad
Rating: 5 / 5
ok first of all she seriously needs to write another book! everybody should read this book. if you are reading this miss bryant pleeeeeeaaaase write some more books!

The out-of-place ending...
Rating: 4 / 5
Sorry peoples, but if you're looking foe a nice all-ends-tied ending... this ones lets you down. Things really are falling into place for the characters... Ben and Carole have, at last, admitted to their relationship and Ben is really making an effort for her. I would have liked to see a little more focus on them, but there are a few good moments. Lisa and Scott - a relationship I'm not so sure should be permanent, (Unlike Ben and Carole, they just don't seem to fit together too well) - sort things out, and if you're looking for a word on Stevie's relationship, yes, good old Phil features in this one too! Back to the important thing - horses - it's nice to see both new and old stables horses mentioned here, as well as seeing Carole's work with the new additions. I think to really enjoy the PH series, you have to accept that the old Saddle Club members just don't get to ride as much as they used to. Sad... but fitting. You do get far less free time as you `grow up', and I think the PH portrayal of this is fairly accurate.
But the ending certainly is disappointing and VERY out of character for Bonnie Bryrant. I was shocked, although their were enough hints their in the book to realize what would happen. But it truly isn't a happy ending... I would love to see these books continued. I was thrilled to find to Pine Hollow series out, being a Saddle Club fan in my younger years but now having outgrown them. Pine Hollow - while it might restrict the Saddle Club books time-line wise, is an excellent alternative for older readers and a nice change form set pattern of children's series. I have read other's reviews saying that SC#100 might be the end to them, and to cut the Pine Hollow books off as well would be a mistake, I feel, even if only a few more - answering questions - were written.
This said, fans of the series should most definitely read Full Gallop. Just don't expect it at be all flowers and lollipops, is all.


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