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Book Reviews

Flight of the Dragon Kyn
Book: Flight of the Dragon Kyn
Written by: Susan Fletcher
Publisher: Aladdin
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

What a good book
Rating: 4 / 5
The story is about a young girl named Kara,who is sick as a small child and was brought to a cave to be buried. Instead of dying,dragons fed her milk,which nursed her back to heallth. This milk also gave her speial powers. Kara meets the royal family ofthe land of Krag because of her powers, which throws her into the middle of a of a blood war between dragons and this royal family. Kara has mant adventures as she
tries to do the right thing for the family and the dragons. The prince of this
famly,Rog,threatens to kill two childrenif Kara doesn't sumomon dragons for him to kill. She gets help from the kiing and his army,the birds that she summons,and her friends. They defeat Rog,and her falcon flies off with dragons. Kara goes back to the king dom of Krag with king Orrik as his summoner.
I like this book because there are plenty of suprises. It issuspenseful and exciting.

The Gift
Rating: 5 / 5
A Review by Jessica

One day log ago a girl named Kara got Vermillion fever and almost died, but a dragon saved her. This book takes place many years after this incidence. The thing is that Kara remembers nothing that happened. The only things that remind her of the dragon is a name, Flagra, which she screamed in the middle of the night and the gift of being able to call birds down from the sky. A king named Orrick sends for her to come to him, and she dose. What Kara doesn't know is he wants her to call down dragons. The Problem is that Kara has never seen a dragon let alone call one down from the sky. Kara and a group of warriors go out to seek dragons. Kara calls for Flagra and she comes what she doesn't know it that the men are going to kill this dragon, the one that saved her life. As the dragon becomes visible the arrows rise to the deep blue sky and they shoot.

In this book I really enjoyed the suspense and adventure. The main character, Kara tells this story in first person. Susan Fletcher is a great author. One thing I like in her books is there is a little hidden love story within them. There is one in this book. It is between Kara and one of the king's men named Kazan. I also like the extreme detail that Susan Fletcher uses. An example of detail is when she describes a falcon she calls. Kara says, "I steeped back startled, the gray falcon screamed, tightened her grip on my hand. One wing clouted my head, and then she was flying." The vocabulary in this book is not too hard but not to easy. I also found the dialogue to be very easy to follow.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a good adventure with suspense and action. It's a real great read! This book keeps you in the edge of your seat the whole time your reading it.

The Gift
Rating: 5 / 5
A Review by Jessica

One day log ago a girl named Kara got Vermillion fever and almost died, but a dragon saved her. This book takes place many years after this incidence. The thing is that Kara remembers nothing that happened. The only things that remind her of the dragon is a name, Flagra, which she screamed in the middle of the night and the gift of being able to call birds down from the sky. A king named Orrick sends for her to come to him, and she dose. What Kara doesn't know is he wants her to call down dragons. The Problem is that Kara has never seen a dragon let alone call one down from the sky. Kara and a group of warriors go out to seek dragons. Kara calls for Flagra and she comes what she doesn't know it that the men are going to kill this dragon, the one that saved her life. As the dragon becomes visible the arrows rise to the deep blue sky and they shoot.

In this book I really enjoyed the suspense and adventure. The main character, Kara tells this story in first person. Susan Fletcher is a great author. One thing I like in her books is there is a little hidden love story within them. There is one in this book. It is between Kara and one of the king's men named Kazan. I also like the extreme detail that Susan Fletcher uses. An example of detail is when she describes a falcon she calls. Kara says, "I steeped back startled, the gray falcon screamed, tightened her grip on my hand. One wing clouted my head, and then she was flying." The vocabulary in this book is not too hard but not to easy. I also found the dialogue to be very easy to follow.

I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a good adventure with suspense and action. It's a real great read! This book keeps you in the edge of your seat the whole time your reading it.


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