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Book Reviews

Into the Cold Fire (Daughters of the Moon #2)
Book: Into the Cold Fire (Daughters of the Moon #2)
Written by: Lynne Ewing
Publisher: Hyperion
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

Better than the first but the first is great
Rating: 5 / 5
I was nervous starting the second book because I wanted it to be as good as the first so I could forget everything happening in my life and be in the book. Serena and her brother on the beachat night made a good start that feels tense and made me want to read on. Serena thinks she's falling in love and that's when the real danger starts. I love the latin in the stories and the dancing and I love the way Jimena rescues Serena.

Not as good as the first book
Rating: 2 / 5
Usually series improve over their course. Hopefully this will still hold true with the other books. However, I found this book very blah. Serena was a character I was unable to get a firm understanding of--perhaps due to her mental confusion in the book, it made her less sympathetic than a heroine should be though. And being a fan of the character Stanton, I really don't understand his draw to her. There is some character trait that she has that needs to be delved into, as to why he would like her better than Vanessa (who he did have chemistry with) and why she would be so susceptible to the dark forces. Not just her super power. I did like her brother Collin and Wally the raccoon, however Morgan is a character that is very flat and deserves better treatment.

Into Confusion and Oblivion
Rating: 2 / 5
I don't know how Lynne Ewing came up with this story. I was looking forward to reading about Serena because she seemed to be one of the more interesting characters and was I sorely disappointed. I don't understand how you can have a romance in a book and not really give the reader anything to go on. If Serena can't remember her memories, then how are we supposed to get a feel for a connection between her and Stanton? They had absolutely no chemistry to me. Stanton and Vanessa seemed to have more chemistry to me. Too bad Lynne didn't hook Michael up with someone else later in the series. I think Vanessa and Stanton would have made a better couple personally. I understand others might have a different opinion, but that's just how I feel about it.

I give it 2.5 stars for at least being well-written, if not the most interesting or the best of the series. So far, it's my least favorite.


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