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Book Reviews

Line of Sight
Book: Line of Sight
Written by: Jack Kelly
Publisher: Hyperion
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

Well done noir fiction
Rating: 4 / 5
While there is nothing truly original here, this is nevertheless a very well done noir novel in the classic mold: as the back cover says, a cross between Body Heat and The Postman Always Rings Twice. Very true. This is a gripping read for sure; Kelly does know how to make you keep turning pages.

Officer Ray Dolan lives just down the way from the Travises, a very wealthy couple--Lance and Sheila--and their teenage daughter Brie. Dolan, single, has ambivalence about his job, possibly stemming from his father, also a cop, having committed suicide. But he gets along well with his fellow officers, especially Frank Kaiser, who, after many years of marriage, finds his wife having an affair. Also on the scene is Leanne Corvino, a local TV news anchor.

Dolan and Corvino hook up briefly, but after catching sight of his sexy neighbor, Sheila Travis, Dolan forgets about Corvino and develops serious hots for Sheila. Needless to say, complications ensue. Turns out Sheila's husband has questionable morals. Turns out Sheila is not happy with Lance. Turns out Sheila and Ray (Dolan) get something going.

It also turns out that Sheila, Lance, Frank, Ray, and Leanne all have stuff going on involving each other that does not seem apparent initially and that definitely makes for noir-themed fiction at its best.

This is a great read for those who like their noir juicy and involving. Yeah, I liked it a lot.

Comfortable yet stimulating
Rating: 5 / 5
Line of Sight is full of classic noir-cop-detective elements, so I thought I was nestling into comfortable fiction territory as I settled into reading the book. But Jack Kelly has written a book that is simultaneously familiar yet new, nostalgic yet fresh. Kelly's characters are familiar with a twist, predictable yet surprising. His telegraphic style at first seemed choppy and awkward to me, yet by page three his concise words were painting vivid scenes of landscapes both psychic and physical. I thoroughly enjoyed the synthesis of familiar and new in this book. Its images and emotional mood will stay with you for a long time.

Bad Broad Gets Good Guy
Rating: 5 / 5
Jack Kelly explores sexual obsession and how it leads good to become evil in this sharp and moody novel. The characters are thoroughly modern (a girl named Brie can only happen in modern America), their situation as timeless as Adam and Eve. The writing is funny, acute, and poetic. Ray and Sheila propell the plot to its cathartic conclusion, completely believably. This is a writer who knows how to combine the best crime writing with the best literary writing. Don't miss it.


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