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Book Reviews

The Season of Passage
Book: The Season of Passage
Written by: Christopher Pike
Publisher: Tor Books
Average Customer Rating: 4.85 / 5

Rating: 5 / 5
This is an incredible story by the best author of all, Christopher Pike. I can't decide which of his books is my favorite; I'm stuck between the Remember Me Series, The Last Vampire Series, Whisper Of Death, The Cold One, and The Season of Passage. When it comes to which book is the best, however, there is no doubt in my mind. The Season of Passage gets the gold. It is an intriguing, touching, heart-wrenching story that envelops you and does not let go. Indeed, I was wishing it could be longer when I reached it's beautiful but bittersweet ending. Quite simply, this is Pike's most well-written book. It goes above and beyond all expectations and never ceases to amaze. The storyline is refined to perfection; there is not a single thing missing. The characterization is superb; each character will stay with me until the end of time. From the childlike playfulness and innocence of gary, to the strength and grit of Lauren, Season of Passage will steal your heart and give you the ride of your life.

One of the best books Pike has written
Rating: 5 / 5
The Season Of Passage was one of the greatest books I have ever read. A combination of Sci-fi,fantasy, and horror, made this book incredible. America sends up the first manned mission to Mars to investigate pictures of huge footprints the martian lander sent. Once up there they check out the remains of the Russian mission that had failed. Once up there, strange things start happening to the martian crew, including finding one of the Russian crew member still alive in his bunk! I've read this book 8 times and I still love it!

Great book
Rating: 5 / 5
Don't just put this book back on the shelf because it looks to long or it looks like sci-fi it's not. Yes this is one of Pike's thicker books butit is still amazing. At first I could'nt really get into it but soon I felt like I was seeing everything through their eyes. This book was about Dr.Lauren Wagner and she went on a space mission to mars but their is a problem an alien virus that she thinks killed the russions and she is worried it might affect her crew as well. If you like this book I would suggest you read The Starlight Crystle also by Chris Pike they have much in common and I have read them both and found them both great reads. Sure this book takes awhile to get into the plot but as soon as you do it seems so real the book seems thick but once you get into it I wished it was longer so don't overlook this book because it's one of Pike's finest. Happy Reading!


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