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Book Reviews

The Lost Boy (Lost Boy)
Book: The Lost Boy (Lost Boy)
Written by: David J. Pelzer
Publisher: Omaha Press Publishing Company, Incorporated
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

windsor jr./ sr.high school
Rating: 3 / 5
it is sad for it is a real story it is about a boy how is abused and then taken from his home this boy is the brave auther of the book called a child called"it" this mans is the youngest of three children in his family he is dave pelzer

The Lost Boy
Rating: 5 / 5
This 2nd book in the triology was equally as riveting as A Child Called It. In a time of tranistion not only by becoming a foster child but the normal transition of becoming a teenager David makes the reader realize what an amazing child he really was. I can't wait to read A Man Called David. My 13yr old daughter just started reading A Child Called It and is equally moved. I hope that people reading this series will look harder and longer at children they suspect are being mistreaded eventhough they have the "perfect family" to hopefully save children before what happened to David happens to another child. Bravo to David and those in the book - well done!

Inspiring Read
Rating: 5 / 5
After reading A Child Called "It", I naturally turned to the sequel. The Lost Boy is another great read by Dave Pelzer. I couldn't put the book down! Few books touch me the way this book does.

My mother grew up in foster care and had "adopted parents". From her account, I can totally understand what Dave writes about in this book. The work of foster parents, people selflessly caring for a child in need, is a great thing. I was surprised to find out so many people refer to fostering as a bad thing. Fostering had a significant on my life as a result of my mother's encounter. She adopted my cousin's son when she found out he might become a foster child and didn't want him to possibly have a negative foster family. His life has drastically improved from the love and attention (and help) she sought for him. In many ways, he reminds me of Dave.

This story deeply touched me and now I am reading the final book in the trilogy, A Man Named Dave. The internal fears I had are lessened from learning about what Dave and many children like him have gone though. He also helped me realize that just because we do "bad" things in our childhood, doesn't mean that we are "bad" people. We can still do something positive with our lives and learn the lesson everything teaches us. I highly recommend everyone read this book, along with the other 2 books in the trilogy.


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