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Book Reviews

Gideon McGee's Dream
Book: Gideon McGee's Dream
Written by: Bill Marshall Sharon Wilderman
Publisher: Zacharaias Pr
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

Nice ideas, but tries too hard
Rating: 3 / 5
I was drawn to this book by the author's own description of the book's message. In the past few years we have witnessed such incredible horrors in our schools, on our streets, and most recently, in New York and Washington. It is easy to blame, to feel helpless, and to feel that life is unfair. GIDEON promised to awaken a sense of hope in this confusing time. To this goal, the book was true. The message was clear and welcome. However, the writing in this book was distracting. Mr. Marshall relied too heavily on the use of simile and metaphor, and it became tiresome when every sentence included some form of a "like or as" statement. Further, the effort to create symbolism was forced, and this too became off-putting. I wished that Mr. Marshall would simple tell his tale, without trying to create a literary "masterpiece". The book was worth reading, but it took me several sittings to get through this relatively short text simply because of the annoying efforts to impose "deep meaning" on every phrase.

Fiction With Truths
Rating: 5 / 5
Gideon McGee's Dream is full of good direction for a meaningful, joyful and peaceful life. This book may be rated for young adults but many of us actually missed youg adulthood and I feel this book is excellent reading for anyone. Gideon McGee's Dream is a well told story of the things that keep us in our "box" -- fear,distrust and a lack of knowledge. The book is fiction but the "lessons" that the author is presenting are not. Please take the time [short] to read it and make it a must for your young adult to read.

An Tale Worth Reading
Rating: 5 / 5
I'm eighteen and graduated from highschool in June. I was on a fast track to nowhere when a friend suggested I read this book. I'm not much for reading, but I trusted this friend. Get this book if you think there's no reason for why things happen! It made me realize that all my misery was self made. Things that made no sense before, suddenly made sense. I've read it through three times now and at first I didn't think the story really took off until about page forty. But each time I read it I find that every page has something to say. If you think life isn't fair, read this book. It could save your life. It did mine.


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