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Book Reviews

Taming the Electronic Beast: Conquering Computer Fear
Book: Taming the Electronic Beast: Conquering Computer Fear
Written by: Michael Bremer Jon Hastings
Publisher: UnTechnical Press
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

My Kingdom For a Neighborhood Nerd
Rating: 5 / 5
I read Michael Bremer's book, Taming The Electronic Beast, cover to cover, and found it fun, very entertaining and inspiring. In fact, I was so inspired I spent six hours recently learning basics on my computer without a single moment of stress. It was the most fun I've had yet on the Beastly Bin of Boorish Banality! (See three-part insult starter kit in book.) I've had a pc for about three years now, and whenever the thought of trying to use it appeared, I would feel aversion to even turning it on. I avoided spending time on it because I saw it as a joyless waste of time. I simply wanted to be able to turn it on and know how to use it without spending too much time. The suggestions and the voice of the book changed my attitude. I now see the time spent during the learning phase is not a waste. The Edison example was inspiring, and the idea that learning something new exercises the brain makes the learning curve much more palatable. And making mistakes represents progress. I knew all this, but I needed a reminder. I see the light and it looks like fun! I loved the humor of the book. Just the thought of embarrassing my computer with a pair of big, pink, floppy, ears makes me smile. The three-part insult starter kit has the potential to be very useful in many situations. And I may even try spending some time on a computer game or two. I hear The Sims is quite entertaining. Really, the book was been very helpful. I'm loaning it to my Mother now. We're both looking forward to future Advice From The Neighborhood Nerd books. There are many questions beginners have. For many people it is a challenge to become computer literate. We appreciate having someone like the neighborhood nerd out there to hold our hands, and the voice of the book was comforting. I recommend it to anyone preparing to learn about computers.

Humorous CommonSense Computers For Everyone
Rating: 5 / 5
Are you afraid of your computer? Need to figure out what the kids know? Is it time to jump on the computer bandwagon but worried about falling down? Join Michael Bremer in this humorous and commonsense book to lose your fear and become more in tune with today's technology. Bremer manages to put everything into perspective and make learning about the computer more enjoyable. His main goal is to help you conquer your fear of computers by learning what might happen if you push the

wrong button. Afraid of breaking your computer? Losing your data? Getting a virus? Bremer goes over these details with refreshing clarity and simplicity. And he is reassuring in his assessment of computer "damage," unlike the doomsday press notices we see each day about computer failures. Truly a worthwhile book for those with computer anxiety. - The Science Spiders Newsletter

An excellent gift idea
Rating: 5 / 5
Taming the Electronic Beast with a subtitle Conquering Computer Fear is a well written book from writer Michael Bremer who calls himself The Neighborhood Nerd. The illustrations are clever. This easy to read book would be an ideal gift for anyone who is hesitant about making their first purchase of a computer. Bremer really taps into the basics with his Computer Attitude Tests. A good read.


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