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Book Reviews

Battling the MSG Myth
Book: Battling the MSG Myth
Written by: Debby Anglesey Deborah L. Anglesey
Publisher: Front Porch Productions
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

Epilepsy and MSG
Rating: 5 / 5
My oldest child has had epilepsy that is uncontrolled by medicines, the Ketognic diet, brain surgery, and vitamin therapy. After noticing a worsening in his seizures when eating foods containing MSG, we began to do research into this horrible substance that is added into so many of our foods. This book has been invaluable in our search for information. It is very readable and easily understood. The recipes are numerous and I'm looking forward to trying more of them. While it is too soon to see major improvement in my son yet, we have already noticed an improvement in his mood and mental clarity as a result of making the simple change of taking one of his medicines out of the gelatin capsule in which it comes, and mixing the powder with food. This change was made after checking with the pharmacist and being told that it would not interfere with the working of the drug. We have also stopped giving him two vitamin supplements that came in gelatin capsules. More changes will be made as we learn more about the various forms MSG can take in one's diet.

Battling the MSG Myth
Rating: 5 / 5
As the mother of a child that displays symptoms of ADD when he is exposed to foods containing MSG, I can tell you that this book is a life-saver. Along with fabulous recipes, there's a bounty of information on MSG, sulfites, Aspartame and other food additives. I use this book daily.

Battling the MSG Myth
Rating: 5 / 5
I was so so sick and didn't know why. This book saved my life. I now understand how excitotoxins have poisoned my body. After 1 1/2 years I feel better than I have for 20 years. I am well and I avoid msg and msg hidden by other names, thanks to Debby Anglesey. This is a marvelous hands-on book that talks about msg, sulfites, and helps with common sense recipes that work.


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