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Book Reviews

Head Games (Body of Evidence)
Book: Head Games (Body of Evidence)
Written by: Chrisopher Golden
Publisher: Recorded Books
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

Merry Christmas Jenna
Rating: 5 / 5
Finally home from college for Christmas vacation, Jenna Blake is ready for some relaxing, hanging out with friends and family, and taking a break from solving murders. That is, until she finds out that one of her childhood friends has murdered his entire family on Christmas Eve. Then another one of her friends murders his entire family on Christmas, then another. Jenna knows that her friends don't have this in them. And even though they were the ones holding the knives, hammers, etc. she knows that something must have been controlling them. Causing them to have these homicidal rages. The police are doing the normal thing, trying to blame violence on TV and in video games, but Jenna goes further than that. And soon realizes that someone is playing head games with her former classmates, and her as well. All Jenna needs is someone to listen to her theories. But out here in Natick, Slick is unknown to the homicide detectives, and her college friends are all away for the holidays. So Jenna has to do something that she's not so used to doing. Relying on herself.

Out of all of the books in the BODY OF EVIDENCE series, this is my favorite one so far. Golden has done a lot of research on mind-control, and has entwined all of it into an interesting, and elaborately woven novel. Filled with strange twists and turns around every corner, HEAD GAMES is sure to please. A must-have for all who have read the previous books in the series.

Erika Sorocco

Merry Christmas Jenna Blake
Rating: 5 / 5
When Jenna Blake goes back to her hometown for the Christmas season she's hoping on having fun with her mother. She's hoping on recconecting with her old High School friends who she hasn't spoken with for a while. She's certainly not counting on another mystery but unfortunatly that's what she ends up getting. When a former classmate kills his entire family in their sleep Jenna is both shocked and horrified. When a second classmate does the same, Jenna becomes suspecious. Is it coincidence that two seemingly normal kids kill their entire family and just forget about it? Jenna doubts it. She wants to help solve this mystery but she's far from Somerset University where the police know her by face and name and sort of trust her. And she's also far from Dr. Silkowski whom has also found himself entrapped in another puzzling mystery and in his own personal problems. Jenna's on her own. And she only has so much time to find out who's playing dangerous head games with her and her friends.

For some odd reason I haven't picked up a Jenna Blake book for quite a while but when I saw this in the store i just had to read it. Once again I was not dissapointed. Golden is a talented author or suspense and once again delievers a new novel with a powerful mystery filled with great charecters. If you're a fan of the series I reccomend this novel. Have fun!

Head Games
Rating: 5 / 5
I have just finished reading the book Head Games and it is an excellent book i really dont get into books but this one keep me interested. Jenna Blake a college student comed home for christmas to her friends and family. Murders start happening and the murderer is no other than some of Jenna's old highschool graduates. Jenna is on the hunt to why these good students would commit such a crime she believes theres something more to it then meets the eye. I Enjoyed the book alot and reccomend it deffintly to other readers. What i liked about it was it was keeped up with modern day things like movies actors and television shows. Theres nothing i really disliked about the book at all. I also feel it had a lesson behind the story about children/teenagers watching television and playing video games that may have a big impact on how a child/teenager acts. I really recommend this book to read its fun from beginning to end.


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