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Book Reviews

Of Wolf and Man
Book: Of Wolf and Man
Written by: Christopher Fulbright
Publisher: PublishAmerica
Average Customer Rating: 5 / 5

Of Wolf and Man
Rating: 5 / 5
Christopher Fulbright has reinvented the werewolf and made the monster deadlier than ever. Like a steel trap, Fulbright's words never let up. They grip the reader with nail-biting intensity from start to finish.

I'd be lying if I said this book is anything short of fantastic.

An excellent cure for a bad hair day!!!
Rating: 5 / 5
What does that mean to you???
To me a werewolf story has always been a guy who gets hairy at the full moon and likes to treat people like chew sticks. "Of Wolf And Man" does have it's hairy moments (like all good werewolf books do) but there's a whole lot more going on in this novel than just a hungry guy in need of a good hircut.
I seem to remember Stephen King once saying "To write a good novel you need to make the reader fall in love with the main characters. Then, you torture them." Well, the main characters in "Of Wolf And Man" are likable where they should be. You just can't help caring about what happens to them. About torturing them, well Christopher Fulbright is one cold blooded word slinger. What happens to the good guys in this novel is cruel in the extreme.
Eddie is the main character. "Of Wolf And Man" begins with the murder of Eddie's wife. It's brutal. Eddie loves his wife dearly and has to put his life back together so he returns to his childhood roots in Colorado Springs Colorado.
Whatever killed Eddie's wife isn't done. It stalks him to his new home. To tell you any more would be to destroy some of the most jolting surprises you're likely to ever get out of a horror novel. "Of Wolf And Man" is relentless in building suspense and dread. This is one bad-ass book.
The background of the area in and around Colorado Springs is dead-on accurate. I lived in Denver for 5 years and know this area. Christopher Fulbright obviously knows it well.
But you don't read horror novels to have a travel guide now do you. You read horror for the gore and the chills that they can make ride up and down your spine. As a scare creator "OF Wolf And Man" succeeds brilliantly.
The bloody scenes are downright gross. These killings are as bad as anything you'll see in any hard core horror flick and described in more detail. There's some weird sex thrown in for good measure too. I mean really weird. If you don't find this sex strange then you really are a dedicated dog lover and I guess Rover is doing all right at your house.
One warning. Don't get too attached to any character in this book. Many of my favorite people came to painful gory endings.
I don't want to tell you too much more other than you should buy a copy of "Of Wolf And Man." A few months ago I read for the first time "The Cycle Of The Werewolf" by Stephen King. This novel is every bit as entertaining as that one was and was a hell of a lot less predictable.
"Of Wolf And Man" gets the highest rating. Buy it before everybody knows who Christopher Fulbright is. You can tell them, you found out first.


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