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Book Reviews

Adopted by an Owl: The True Story of Jackson the Owl (Individual Titles)
Book: Adopted by an Owl: The True Story of Jackson the Owl (Individual Titles)
Written by: Gijsbert Van Frankenhuyzen Robbyn Smith Van Frankenhuyzen
Publisher: Thomson Gale
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

Rating: 4 / 5
You don't know me, so you probably haven't sat around with me and heard me explain (usually ad nauseum) my feelings about Melodrama being a legitimate and possibly superior alternative to the two traditional forms of storytelling: Tragedy and Comedy. I won't go into the theory and application here, but to boil it down, I feel that all art must have the ability to make people FEEL (something inherent in Melodrama but not always necessary for the two others). I say all this to give a you a sense of what a high compliment it is for me to say that Adopted by an Owl made me feel (though I wouldn't call it Melodrama).

If I was the kind of guy who used the word "Kudos" (Thank the Most High that I am not), I would say: "Kudos" to Robbyn for the clarity of her prose and the wonderful honesty of her storytelling. One experiences and understands all of Gijsbert's varied feelings toward Jackson's tentative return to the wild. Kids and parents alike will find this story worthwhile (though I had to pause for a moment in reading it aloud to my kids--because I got choked up).

The illustrations are wonderful (though very similar in palette to The Legend of Leelanau). Gijsbert van Frankenhuyzen is fast becoming one of my favorite illustrators.

Read this book!

Adopted by an owl
Rating: 5 / 5
This is the only book I could keep the interest of my [child] for the Whole book! I will be looking for more books written by Ms. Smith. I would like to comment on the beautiful pictures. They made me feel like I was there!

Your library must have!
Rating: 5 / 5
Adopted By An Owl is a truly enduring tale. It tells of the Van Frankehuyzen family's rehabilitation of a Great Horned Owl and of the Owl, named Jackson, taking to the family as if he were the family dog! It is just amazing to read about the Jackson's interactions with the family, his healing process, and his overall protectiveness of them. Most people see these critters as frightening but you see how amazingly enough, Jackson was able to be both a free wild bird and yet an integral part of the family for many years. This is a wonderful book to share with Children as I think it helps to teach them compassion towards animals. It shows children that we can all be a part of nature by helping even the littlest creature live on. Hopefully, it teaches some that certain animals are not meant to be in captivity either .If you like this book, you must look for Saving Samantha. It is the Van Frankehuyzen's journal account of raising a baby fox pup who they found as a small kitten captured in a trap. I do not want to give too much away, but as a bookseller, this is my favorite Sleeping Bear Press children's book to date!


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