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Book Reviews

Embraced By Love
Book: Embraced By Love
Written by: Suzanne Brockmann
Publisher: Center Point Large Print
Average Customer Rating: 4.5 / 5

Don't give up
Rating: 5 / 5
That is both the message I got from the book and what I tell people. Do not give up on the book! Some people say that they can not finish the book because Josie got on their nerves and I have to say I agree with them. Josie is a worrier. She will worry about things that have not happened and it will be the worst thing imaginable. She has a problem and I really can not blame her much. She grew up poor and her mother hammered in the fact that being poor sucks and that she can only depend on herself to make a difference. So now she has a huge fear of being poor. Cooper did not grow up poor. He moved around a lot with his parents. He is all about fun and living life to the fullest. He doesn't take many things too seriously. The one thing he does take seriously is Josie. Cooper loves her so much and the way SB writes when he is hurting or happy are so great! Cooper is rich and well so is Josie because her business is doing so well, and Cooper try's to tell Josie that he will never allow her to be poor. But then she thinks she can only depend on herself. This thinking causes problems even before they get the kids. But they both love each other so much that they work out a compromise. Then while things are going good Josie gets a call that her brother and sister-in-law died and then a few days later finds out that the kids are in foster care waiting for them to pick them up. Josie and Cooper are kinda selfish in my opinion. Cooper did not think he wanted to have kids at all and Josie wasn't really sure but they decided to talk about it in about 4-5 years. So because they had decided this before they found out about Josie's brother they decided they could not keep the kids, Lucy 4yr and Ben 9 months. They would need time and love and Josie and Cooper did not think they could give that to them at this point in their life. Josie doesn't want to stop working and Cooper doesn't want to give up time with Josie. Those are good reasons but it was kinda selfish. Well anyways, Cooper takes one look at Lucy and decides he can not leave them where they are staying because the house is a mess and the woman caring for the kids is mean. Because he can not leave them and he decides he wants to keep them because he loves them, Josie and Cooper's marriage suffers badly. Josie doesn't even try to help with the kids; she stays later and later at work while Cooper took a leave of absence to take care of the kids because Lucy has a problem with being left because she is scared he will not come back like her parents did not come back. The story was a good story. It had its slow moment for like one chapter but in that chapter there were parts that made me laugh so it was not so bad. This was not one of SB best books but it was still very good and deserves the 5 stars. This book will bring out all kinds of emotions, angry, happiness, sadness, frustration, fear...etc. But that is a sign, in my opinion of a very good book. So I say even if you start reading the book and you start getting upset but love SB's books keep reading it and try to keep an open mind. The thing that helped me is at the end of Ch. 2. Cooper new what he was getting into with Josie, because she told him that her work was very important to her. With this said, she did take it to the extreme and he was very understanding or tried to be but in the end she saw what she was doing to her life and makes some tough decisions. It ends very well and it well make you sigh. I would suggest this book to anyone who loves a good story.

What really are the most important things?
Rating: 5 / 5
After a few Brockman SEAL stories, this is a welcome change. I liked everything about it, including Cooper and Josie having to get books on childcare so they could learn enough to do it. One reviewer thought Josie was too inflexible, but I have been where Josie is and I felt her character was right on target. Yes, she took terrible advantage of Cooper's love for her, to the point where she almost lost him but poverty makes you do that and it is very hard to let go of the fear. If your parents were children during the Depression, you know the feeling because they don't let you forget the fear either. This is a couple, both professionals dedicated to their careers, who are suddenly faced with responsibility for little people and I loved Cooper for not letting these children go to strangers. Do not, do not, pass this one up. I read it and immediately began to read it again. Definitely a keeper and one of Brockmann's best.

Great Hero, Not-So-Great Heroine
Rating: 4 / 5
I loved, loved the hero, Cooper. Suzanne Brockmann reversed the personalities, interests, and the decisions made usually by a husband and wife, but she does it without making the husband a wimp who you are "supposed" to like, but really don't. It is the husband, in this novel, who loves to dance, who sacrifices his career (although not really--Cooper is a famous architect who can work from home) to revolve around his wife's. It's the husband who definitely wants children, and it's the husband who not only really bonds with them, but stays at home to care for them. It is Cooper who wants to talk about their relationship. Josie, his wife, is not as likable--a rigid, inflexible work-a-holic who has developed a bleeding ulcer. Didn't like her (her inflexibility ran on too long), but adored him! Although I wanted them to "work it out," in real life, I would have told Cooper to ditch her--that there are better women out there. In short, although I liked the book, I didn't LOVE the book--as I have for other Brockmann's.


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