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Book Reviews

The Hidden Power of Emotional Intuition: Use the Healing Power of Your Mind to Promote Health & Happiness
Book: The Hidden Power of Emotional Intuition: Use the Healing Power of Your Mind to Promote Health & Happiness
Written by: Maya Mendoza
Publisher: Vega Books
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

I am a different person now
Rating: 5 / 5
I know it sounds silly, but there is something almost magical about Emotional Intuition. I found myself changing simply by reading. WOW. It draws you in and changes your mind before you know what's happening.

I found myself on a spiritual and emotional journey that I will never forget. I discovered parts of myself that I never knew existed and found out that I am much more than I could have ever imagined.

Before I read this book I was shy and akward. I thought I was boring and had nothing to say that would be of interest to anyone. I was wrong!

Now I know that I have something to offer others. I have found my 'inner voice'. As a result my socil life has improved and I am more motivated, outgoing and confident.

A powerful theraputic system
Rating: 5 / 5
NLP-ers and hypnotherapists hungry for something truly new should take a look at this amazing book to see what the footprints of true innovation look like.

Mendoza, has revealed an embarrassing truth about the self-devpselopment publishing industry - however good the ideas in any new book, most people simply don't do the exercises.

But, rather than bullying or admonishing the reader, she has taken up the challenge and developed an approach which is truly unique: Multi-Level Reading (MLR) - quite simply, text that brings about the desired change as it's being read.

Robert Masters, creator of Neurospeak, is probably the best known exponent of the relatively recent discovery that the process of reading and understanding certain kinds of text triggers micro-movement of the muscles - the same principle exploited by athletes who use +mental rehearsal+ to improve their fitness or game.

Whereas Neurospeak +speaks+ to the physical body, Mendoza has ever greater ambitions - to lead the reader from the present moment into previously unexplored and profound states, creating new neural pathways in the process. Thus, elegantly and effectively, she sidesteps the problem of motivating the reader and accomplishes, unconsciously, the desired result. (A word of caution to the bookstore browser, however: don't read the bold print if you don't plan on speanding the next few hours in a seriously altered state!)

Mendoza herself describes Emotional Excellence as a book about "the use and abuse of emotion", and emphasises her mission to guide readers into emotional strength and flexibility. this she does with common sense,humour and flair.

Also outlined is her equally innovative process called Emotional Mapping. I worked with this process and found a powerful therapeutic system for exploring and resolving life issues by identifying, interacting with and testing my "unique and personal inner metaphors and archetypes."

Both processes open entirely new directions in the potential for human self-evolution. Mendoza is a breath - no, a tornado! - of fresh air in a field where most new writings are simply regurgitations of what has gone before. And, seldom good regurgitations, at that.

Problem solving with a difference
Rating: 5 / 5
Mendoza writes in a comfortable easy to read and intelligent style that makes her work inviting and easy to understand. The innovative techniques in this book are remarkable. They quickly bypass your logical, linear mind and allow you to rapidly access you hidden problems solving ability - You might spend months or even years in conventional therapy trying to access information that Emotional Mapping uncovers in minutes.

Yes you have guessed it. I am a fan!

Mendoza's MLR (subconscious reading) is a method of reading that takes you down into deep trance like learning states that make problem solving as easy and effortless as breathing. Creating Emotional Maps is also a fun, enticing and direct way to gain direct access to your unconscious mind with its wealth of creative imagination.

If you are a therapist I urge you to take a look at this innovative work. You owe it to your clients. If you have an issue that you have worked on for years but cannot resolve try these techniques - they work. You will never think of a problem in the same again!

Adding a very personal note to this review, I have had several 'emotional light bulb' moments that I directly attribute to this book and Mendoza's methods. I am grateful for that.


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