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Book Reviews

Harry Potter y la camara secreta
Book: Harry Potter y la camara secreta
Written by: J. K. Rowling Adolfo Munoz Garcia Nieves Martin Azofra
Publisher: Lectorum Publications
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 / 5

Wrong review (above)
Rating: 5 / 5
I just LOVE this book, and all the harry potter books. I wanted to say to Eric J Justice, who wrote a review above, that your review was incorrect. It DIDNT have a mistake; saying QUE TE TENGO DICHO es right. In fact, im pretty sure what you said was right too. But anyway, anyone who hasn't read this should, but read the SORCERER'S STONE first, because it's really best to read them in order.

Rating: 3 / 5
Aconsejo no prestar demasiada atenci�n a las cr�ticas que se quejan del vocabulario castizo en contraposici�n al vocabulario americano. No hay pr�cticamente nada que un lector castellanohablante educado no pueda entender, y el castellano utilizado en el libro es adecuado a la trama. La traducci�n en s�, exceptuando alg�n resbal�n con el subjuntivo, es gramaticalmente correcta. No conozco el original en ingl�s.
El argumento abunda en lo descriptivo con un ritmo de la acci�n lento durante casi toda la obra, concentrando el la mayor parte del desenlace en los �ltimos 3 o 4 cap�tulos. La sensaci�n de desasosiego que algunas cr�ticas mencionan en este sentido es leg�tima.
En general, la obra es medianamente entretenida y contribuye a adquirir vocabulario.

A Great Learning Tool
Rating: 5 / 5
I'm a high school student taking Spanish as my foreign language. I decided one day to buy Harry Pooter y la C�mara Secreta to help with my Spanish. Though some of the words aren't what I'm use to I still understood it and it helped my Spanish greatly. Many of the higher level Spanish classes are reading this also. For students taking Spanish this is a great way to help with your Spanish. It puts your knowledge to use and it helps you to remember things better. They're just as great as the English version!


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